Рубрика: Նախագծեր

Let’s imagine. Project

So the name of the project is ,,Let’s imagine». It means we have to imagine ourselves in the place of someone famous and write about things we would do if we were them.

I can’t choose specifically someone, but if I was the president or the prime minister of our country I’d like to make some changes.

Firstly, I’d like to build some shopping malls in countryside with affordable prices, because I’ve noticed that that there are quite few or no shopping malls other than small shops. So people there I guess have to come to capital to buy some things. Secondly, I’d open there fast food restaurants and some cafes there to make them look a little bit modern, and easy. But one of the most important things I’d like to renovate the streets and houses because if a tourist comes to Armenia and goes to cities other than Yerevan, Caxkadzor, Dilijan or Ijevan there is a impression that it is a village and not a city.

But with all of this changes I’d not allow to touch any historical subject like churches or something. It represents our culture and who we are. So although Armenia has very beautiful nature, and has so many sights, I’d like to make the changes that I mentioned earlier to make it prettier, and more pleasant place to live and visit.

Then I’d like to make going to an army a profession. If trained people were in our army and not 18-19 years old guys who weren’t prepared for war everything could be different.

I would also add other type of public transports, because if it’s crowded u have to stand but it’s so low that you literally break your back until you reach your destination. It would be good if public transport were either high or it wasn’t allowed to seat if all places are taken. So in that case the government should import so many public transports.

I guess these are all the changes I would make in my country.

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